Saturday, August 25, 2012

Les Catacombes

On Friday I want to Les Catacombes de Paris. First of all, I have to describe the line. It was atrocious! I seriously considered getting a haircut at a nearby shop while my cousin saved my spot in line. We waited longer here than getting into the famous Louvre museum on the free day of the month!

However, did get to see some cool things while waiting. When it was my turn to get food, I walked over to this place to get lunch, and ended up getting a pastry.

There was a guy cutting out people’s silhouettes for moneyz.

So then we finally enter the Catacombes. First we saw some awesome miniature buildings that people built while they were imprisoned or trapped here (sad)

Inside this hole is the sea...imagine how deep this must be!

After all the that, we get to the underground cemetery part. It is filled with 6 million people’s remains. So basically, I got to see lots of bones. Here are some creepy shots we took.

Translation: Stop! Here is the empire of the dead.

Skulls and femurs

A heart of skulls


Reminds me of a honeycomb..

There were also lots of signs in French that said really Carpe Diem (or just morbid) stuff like, live each day as if it were your last. Or Death affects everyone, poor, rich, famous, young, old…

So it was a different kind of tourist attraction but still enjoyable! Not sure it was worth the >2 hour wait though.

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